Thursday, December 04, 2008 AMD Challenge (part 1)

Springleap is a new South African based design company that has popped up in the last few months. Some great pieces have already come out of their basic competitions, but this quick little one got my ideas flowing a bit:

AMD is a computer technology company that designs next-generation computing and graphics solutions for people at work, home, and play. AMD will be launching new PC technology codenamed Dragon. Dragon will give consumers an exhilarating experience when gaming, video or design editing, and using all types of different multimedia files and applications.

We challenge YOU to submit a PC related t-shirt design that takes into account any ONE OR MORE of the following words/characteristics:

Dragon, Phenom, Energy Efficiency, Video Games, Strength, Wisdom, Power, Do It Yourself Tools, Ultimate Visual and HD Experience.

The prize? The winner will receive a brand new AMD POWERHOUSE Desktop PC with their brand of top of the line graphics and computing technology WORTH OVER $1500.

I felt that a sleek, slender wyrm would be the best style for design. I already figure there will be very stereotypical dragons of all sorts. This gave me a chance to really work with the slender version of how I've drawn dragons since I was young. Since I wanted nothing to do with fire (as it's on blue and I only wanted 4 colors in my palette), my dragon is blowing large gusts of wind. Different, and not what you think of when you hear 'Dragon', but I'm hoping AMD and Springleap both see it the uniqueness of it. (due to their strict notation, I decided against adding my name anywhere on the work, but rest assured, it IS mine)

Voting Starts - December 7
Voting Ends – December 19
AMD Decides Winner – December 22

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